Ben 10 Protector Of Earth Game Download

  1. Ben 10 Protector Of Earth Game Download Nds

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • Plot [ ] Act One [ ] While sleeping near the Grand Canyon, a mosquito-like drone sucks most of the DNA out of Ben's Omnitrix. A giant object crashes into the mountains, and Ben finds out he can't transform into some of his aliens, only Heatblast and Four Arms. After fighting through multiple drones, he defeats a Giant Mech Drone and finds an Omnitrix Crystal which gives him access to XLR8. Later, they go to Mesa Verde and find Vilgax's Drones and Forever Knights fighting. After defeating all the knights and drones, an injured Forever Knight tells them that Enoch has used all the Technology of Area 51 to make a Big Battlebot to fight Ben. They go to Area 51 and fight Enoch, but Enoch recovers and climbs his battlebot.

Ben 10: Protector of Earth is a video game based on the American animated television series Ben 10. This is the first Ben 10 game and it was released for PSP, PS2, the Nintendo DS and the Nintendo Wii in October–November 2007.

They think of some hydro-electric place where the Battle Bot is comfortable to fight, and Gwen thinks it is Hoover Dam. They head to Hoover Dam and fight the Battle-Bot.

Then Ben finds another Omnitrix Crystal which regains access to Cannonbolt. Act Two [ ] When the Tennysons head to San Francisco for a vacation, they find out that Kevin 11 has escaped from the Null Void and has brought some plant creatures with him.

He kidnaps Grandpa Max, but later gets sucked to the Null Void again by Ben in a Lumber Mill. Later, after fighting through Crater Lake, they head to Seattle, where the mother plant (Wildvine's DNA) has made its home and infecting the whole city.

After defeating it, Ben finds an Omnitrix Crystal which gives him access to the Last Unlockable Alien in the game, Wildvine. Act Three [ ] In outer space, Vilgax and Zs'Skayr are working together to recover the Omnitrix. Ben, Gwen and Grandpa Max head to Effigy Mounds for camping, and find some of Zs'Skayr's Troops hunting there. Master of ceremonies script sample. After defeating Hex at the end, they discover that Zs'Skayr had plundered the Plumber Base in Mount Rushmore. Ben chases him through Chicago lake front and then defeats him in Gold Coast Theater and Grandpa Max sucks him in the Null Void. Ben then unlocks Hero Control in the Omnitrix. Act Four [ ] After defeating Zs'Skayr, they go to the Historic Battlefield, where Dr Animo kidnaps Gwen.

They go to the Bayou and discover Clancy, (One of Ben's other bug villains) in an abandoned mansion. After Ben defeats him, Max asks him where Animo had taken Gwen. He tells him that it is too late to save her now and Animo will make her a mixed-up mutant. Ben and grandpa travel to New Orleans and take a boat to Animo's oil refinery. After defeating Animo, Gwen tells them that Animo and Vilgax have planned to suck Earth into the Null Void.

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Ben then unlocks Master Control in the Omnitrix. Act Five [ ] After going to Washington DC, where there are Null Void Portals everywhere, Ben defeats Sixsix and his Detrovite Troops in Cape Canaveral. Grandpa Max uses rockets found there to make the Rustbucket capable of flight. Then, they fly to Vilgax's Ship and Ben tries to defeat Vilgax.

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After a big battle which ends with Vilgax's defeat, Ben discovers that rest of the Omnitrix Crystals are right there in the ship. But just after he retrieves them, the ship starts powering down and projecting a Null Void Portal, which then sucks in Vilgax and his ship.

Ben 10 protector of earth game download

Luckily, Ben, Gwen and Grandpa Max escape in time and get back to their vacation. Vilgax is not seen again until the third game of the series,. Gameplay [ ] In the beginning, Ben will only be able to access a few of his alien forms for a limited time, but after defeating some, Ben can eventually access five of his ten forms and even unlocks the master control, meaning he can stay alien for an infinite amount of time or switch between aliens without draining Omnitrix energy. Attack combos can be unlocked collecting Omnitrix points. Limited power boosts or invincibility can be gathered, as well as bonuses to make the Omnitrix recharge faster. Three Sumo Slammer cards are hidden in each main level, and once collected unlock features, such as movie clips.

Ben 10 Protector Of Earth Game Download Nds

After each level, Plumber ranks are rewarded, depending on how fast the player beats that level. If the player gets an A rank, you get a character view, usually a boss or a villain. In the main boss levels, a similar to those of allows players to execute a special attack at certain points. Version differences [ ] The Wii, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable versions, developed by High Voltage Software, are largely identical to each other, and are played in three-dimensional environments. A second player can join in.