Dragon Age Inquisition Latest Version


Jul 7, 2015 - Even though Dragon Age: Inquisition was released on PlayStation 3. From the PS3 and Xbox 360 to the PS 4 and Xbox One versions. Solved: Hey there, Where do I find which version of Dragon Age Inquisition I'm. Origin it's greyed out (I assume because I'm already using the latest version). List of james bond movies.

Hey there, Where do I find which version of Dragon Age Inquisition I'm playing? Aka which patch I'm at. I'm pretty sure for PC we should be on the 3rd patch at this time, but I've been unable to find that information in Origin or In-Game. The reason why I'm asking is because I went to load a save (.das file) I made at a friends place on her game and every time I try to load it it gives me this error: 'This save data was created with a newer version of the game.

Dragon age inquisition latest version full

Dragon Age Inquisition Latest Version Torrent

Please download the latest patch and try again.' Which is really odd because we're both playing official versions of the game and as far as I'm concerned I'm using the newest patch. I have my settings set to automatically update my games, and when I right-click to go and update the game from Origin it's greyed out (I assume because I'm already using the latest version). If you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know.