Pokemon Platinum Rom Free


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  1. Pokemon Platinum Rom Free Download
Pokemon Platinum Rom Free

Looking to experience Pokemon NDS game in your GBA emulator? You will be surely surprised the stunning feature of Pokemon Light Platinum.

This game is based on Pokemon Ruby that full of cool new graphics, interesting gameplay, beautifully made music, events, items, new Pokemon and more. The original and old Ruby game version is kinda boring but this one can surely take your Pokemon gaming to the next level. As you play Pokemon Light Platinum, you will find yourself addicted and tend to play the game whole day non-stop till you complete the whole story, give this a try. There seems to be a bug where at the point of my Charmanders’ evolution, the game freezes. I have not tried this with other starters personally but I know folks who’ve experienced this same problem with other starters as well. Just for the record I’ve tried restarting the rom multiple times and even on two different emulators (mGBA and no$gba).

Pokemon Platinum Rom Free Download

The problem still persists. Oddly enough, the bug is not present on my android device using the My Boy emulator, although I’d have very much preferred to play on my laptop.