Right Form Of Verbs Rules


Modal Auxiliary verb (Can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, ought to, need, dare, have to etc.) এর পরে verb এর present form বসে এবং verb এর সাথে কোন কিছু যোগ হয় না। যেমনঃ He can do the work. I shall go to University. Right form of verbs 1. S.K Method Spoken School. Page-15 Bodur uddin road (Wises), Joypurhat.

  1. Right Form Of Verbs Exercise
  2. Right Forms Of Verbs Pdf
  3. Right Form Of Verbs Easy Rules
  4. Right Form Of Verbs Rules Pdf
  5. Present And Past Form Of Verbs

Right form of verbs প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, গতকালের পর আজ ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের পার্ট-A অংশের ১ নম্বর প্রশ্নটি অর্থাৎ Right form of verbs নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। Rule-4: যদি before-এর আগে past perfect tense থাকে তাহলে পরে past indefinite tense হবে। আর after-এর আগের অংশ past indefinite tense হলে পরের অংশ past perfect tense হবে। যেমন: a. The patinet  (die) before the doctor came. Answer: The patinet had died before the doctor came.

Right Form Of Verbs Exercise

The patient died after the doctor  (come). Answer: The patient died after the doctor had come. The bell rang after I  (reach) school. Answer: The bell rang after I had reached school.

We reached home after it  (start) raining. Answer: We reached home after it had started raining.

They arrived here after you  (leave). Answer: They arrived here after you had left. Rule-5: যদি কোনো sentence-এ since-এর প্রথম অংশ present tense হয় তাহলে পরের অংশ past indefinite tense হবে। আবার since-এর প্রথম অংশ past indefinite-এর হলে পরের অংশ past perfect tense-এ হবে। যেমন: a. It is many years since I  (come) to Dhaka. Answer: It is many years since I came to Dhaka.

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Five years have passed since I  (see) you. Answer: Five years have passed since I saw you. Many years have passed since his father  (die).

Answer: Many years have passed since his father died. It was many years since they first  (meet).

Answer: It was many years since they had first met. Using the right form of Verbs Rule-13: কোন Sentence-এ অতীত ঘটনা, সন, তারিখ last, last year, yesterday প্রভৃতি উল্লেখ থাকলে past indefinite tense হয়। যেমন: (i) He (to come) home yesterday. ++ He came home yesterday.

(ii) He (not return) home last night. ++ He did not return home last night. (iii) He (to buy) five sheep last year. ++ He bought five sheep last year. Rule-14: Passive voice-থাকলে subject এরপরে auxiliary verb এরপরে মূল verb টি past participle করতে হয়। যেমন: (i) The man (to hang) for murder. ++ The man was hanged for murder.

Right Forms Of Verbs Pdf

Rule-15: Sentence-এ একাধিক noun বা pronoun থাকলে plural number (বহুবচন হয়)। (i) The banana was cut into two (two half). ++ The banana was cut into two halves. (ii) Her head is full of (louse). ++ Her head is full of lice. Rule-16: To be-এবং having এর পরে মূল verb টি past participle form হয়। যেমন: (i) Having (to forget) him, I went to market. ++ Having forgotten him, I went to market.

(ii) The thief ran away having (take) the basket. ++ The thief ran away having taken the basket. (iii) The sun having (to set), we returned home. ++ The sun having set, we returned home. Rule-17: verb-এর পূর্বে without, cannot help, could not help, get used to, with a view to, would you mind, look forward to এবং এর মধ্যেকার for বা of থাকলে bracket-এর verb-এর সাথে ing যোগ করতে হয়। এই to গুলো preposition হিসেবে ব্যবহূত হয়। যেমন: (i) I went to market with a view to (to buy) a shirt. ++I went to market with a view to buying a shirt.

Right form of the verb

(ii) I did not get used to (write) on the khata. ++ I did not get used to writing on the khata.

Right Form Of Verbs Easy Rules

(iii) I never thought of ( to go) there. ++ I never thought of going there. Rule-18: Modal auxiliary can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, dare, used to, ought to, must, need, going to, প্রভৃতির পরে ব্যবহূত মূল verb টি present from হয়। যেমন: (i) We ought to (respect) our parents. ++ We ought to respect our parents. (ii) He can (do) the work. ++ He can do the work.

Right Form Of Verbs Rules Pdf

Rule-19: Let, would, would rather, had better, had rather প্রভৃতির পরে verb এর present form হয়। verb এর পূর্বে to থাকলে তা উঠে যায়। এখানকার Let বাদে সবগুলো verb ই modal auxiliary. যেমন: (i) We had better (to do) the work. ++ We had better do the work. (ii) I will not let him (to finish) the task. ++ I will not let him finish the task.

Rule-20: Wish, as if, as though প্রভৃতি থাকলে ব্রাকেটের to be এর স্থানে were বসে। যেমন: (i) I wish I (to be) a bird. ++ I wish I were a bird. (ii) He talks as if he (to be) mad.

Present And Past Form Of Verbs

++ He talks as if he were mad. Rule-21: Subject এর পূর্বে one of, each, every প্রভৃতি থাকলে তার পরের verb টি। singular হয়। যেমন: (i) One of the boys (to be) absent yesterday. ++ One of the boys were absent yesterday. Rule-22: একই দৈর্ঘ্য ও পরিমাণ subject মনে হলেও verb singular হয়। যেমন: (i) Sixty miles (to be) a long way. ++ Sixty miles is a long way. Rule-23: While এর পর verb থাকলে ing যোগ করতে হয় while এর পরে subject থাকলে past continuous tense হয়। যেমন: (i) While (eat) rice, he stood up. ++ While eating rice, he stood up.