Scheduling A Ged Test

  1. Ged Exam Schedule

Unlike many other major standardized tests, the has no set test dates for all test takers. Instead, GED test dates are set by local testing centers. The GED is offered year-round at hundreds of locations across the country (and other parts of the world). The schedule for the exact GED test dates at each of these locations varies. Some testing centers offer the GED exam multiple times per week. Other centers only have testing once a month or so. How to Find Your GED Test Dates There are two main ways to find an exact schedule for GED test dates.

Use MyGED to schedule your test. Create an account or login at. Click on “Schedule Test.” This will take you through a series of screens where you have to fill out information about yourself. Then, it will have you search by location for a GED testing center. Click on the one you want to view its schedule. You can select up to three testing centers at a time to compare GED test dates in different locations. If you’re not ready to schedule your test right away, that’s ok.

You can still use this method to see the calendar. Just stop at this step rather than selecting a date and continuing on to register. Contact your local testing center.


GED schedule button GED transcript button. Individuals can register online from anywhere to take the test. You must have an email address to register for the.

Use MyGED to. Once you’ve chosen a local testing center, you can contact that location directly to ask what their schedule is. MyGED will give you the location’s name and address, but a quick Google search can give you the appropriate phone number or email address to contact for GED inquiries.

I recommend searching for the name of the testing center + GED. Most testing center websites have a GED information page. It may not list GED test dates on the website, but it will likely give you the contact information for someone you can ask. Tips for Scheduling Your GED Test Dates If you’ve got a deadline in mind for when you want your GED completed or if you have a difficult schedule, you may want to use the search tool to look at the GED test dates at multiple testing centers.

This will give you more options. You may find it’s worth it to you to drive a little farther to get a test date that works better for you. You also have choices about which tests to take when. The GED is actually made up of (Reasoning Through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Social Studies, and Science). Gta v activation crack. You can take these all at once or you can split them up across different testing days. If you take them all at once, you’ll be getting them over with more quickly, but it does limit your flexibility.

Ged Exam Schedule

Taking all four subject tests requires a huge block of times, and must include breaks. Some testing centers have certain dates where you can take all four and other dates where testing is only offered in smaller blocks of time so you could only take one subject test. Splitting the subject tests up offers you more flexibility. Check with your testing center to find out what your options are. No matter when you take your test, you’ll want to know what to expect. Learn more about, what happens on,, and to make sure you walk in ready for success.